Some Ootsuki Miu (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

Hasu isn’t online since it’s almost 1:30 AM where we’re at, so no weird title this time.

We actually have scans and are getting work done (kinda)! Stay tuned for more releases.

Stuff is getting scanned, so if you’re an experienced cleaner and/or typesetter and would like to help, even if it’s just with a chapter or two, that would be nice! Projects that we need help with in the future are: Shiina-kun no Torikemo Hyakka, Love Kids!! (typesetting only), and End Love. Translators are always welcome, of course.

This post’s preview image comes from chapter 6 of Melancholic Mellow Mellow. Big thanks to Kimi for purchasing and scanning the book for us and to Michelle (derpkip on tumblr) for the wonderful typesetting! Chapter 7 should be released in a day or two, and chapter 8 sometime next week, hopefully? I also plan on redoing chapter 5 with nicer scans sometime when we’re not as busy.

Enjoy the new chapter!


Note: To those who haven’t yet read this series, please note that it contains non-consensual sex (rape).

27 responses to “Some Ootsuki Miu (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

  1. Omigosh! Thank you so much! I am so looking forward to checking out this newest chapter, and so excited for the next chapters coming up. Thank you for everyone’s hard work! 🙂

  2. OMG!!!
    Thank you so much for the hard work guys on this manga!!!
    Thank you so much Kimi for puchasing this title!!!!!

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